“The Story of Bottled Water,” created by the Story of Stuff Project and Free Range Studios, is the winner of the 2010 EthicMark® Award.
The fourth annual Award was announced on the opening evening of the 21st annual event of SRI in the Rockies, the world’s largest and longest-running conference for the sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) industry.
The Award, which is housed at the World Business Academy, was founded by Academy Fellow Hazel Henderson and is a project currently co-sponsored by the World Business Academy, the University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business, and Ethical Markets Media, LLC.
Two other media campaigns won honorable mention: “We Can Help Us,” a TV commercial for a teen suicide prevention program; and “Shocking Barack,” about two Brammo employees’ journey from Detroit to Washington on Brammo all-electric motorcycles to present the President with a homegrown solution to the transportation crisis.
Academy Fellow Ron Nahser, the Executive Director of the Award program, recently met with Annie Leonard of the Story of Stuff Project about the Award.
SRI in the Rockies is a meeting place for industry leaders and businesses striving to be good corporate citizens, along with investors, investment professionals, and organizations working to direct the flow of investment capital in transformative ways. This year’s event is being held in San Antonio, November 18-21, 2010.
Four members of the EthicMark® Judges Panel are plenary speakers at this year’s SRI event: Hazel Henderson; Amy Domini, founder and CEO of Domini Social Investments; Joe Keefe, President & CEO of Pax World Management LLC and of Pax World Funds; and Simran Sethi, an Emmy award-winning journalist and associate professor at the university of Kansas School Of Journalism. Academy Fellow Riane Eisler is also a plenary speaker.
Hazel Henderson, who co-chairs the Judges Panel along with Academy President Rinaldo Brutoco and Notre Dame Marketing Professor Patrick E. Murphy, opened the Award presentation through a video appearance, followed by Rinaldo Brutoco who announced the 2010 Award.
As part of his coordinated announcement of the Award, Professor Patrick Murphy said, “Advertising has tremendous power to shape social attitudes and values. Although the public doesn’t typically think of marketing in this way, it can serve as a tool to empower individuals and society to find solutions to the pressing social, political, and environmental challenges of our times. The annual EthicMark® Award recognizes ethical and socially responsible media campaigns by businesses, non-profit organizations, or individuals, who have undertaken this challenge.”