EthicMark Judges Panel

Distinguished Judges

With Hazel Henderson and Rinaldo Brutoco, President of the World Business Academy, as co-chairs of the EthicMark® Awards, the global Judges Panel is co-chaired by Ravi Chaudhry and Hon. Claudine Schneider; they are all supported by a very illustrious Judges Panel who are international experts in:

Business leaders
Ethical Investing
Public Service
Think tanks
Media watchdog

Representing many countries as diverse as our winners




The Netherlands

Goals and criteria

  • Portray and reinforce healthy lifestyles and behavior for consumers, youth and community
  • High standards of integrity, responsibility, trustworthiness, transparency and fairness
  • Avoid promoting self-destructive or socially irresponsible behavior, particularly to young people
  • Avoid exploitation of violence, cruelty, sensationalism, and degrading and pathological portrayals
  • Respect consumers by refraining from using greenwashing, exaggeration, fear or brain science
  • Respect diversity

Open nominations run from March to June for media campaigns which have run in the past two years (ex., March 2018 to June 2018 for the 2018 EthicMark Awards).

Co-Chairs of the EthicMark® Awards:

Co-Chairs of the EthicMark® Awards Global Judges Panel:

  • Chaudhry, Ravi, Chairman, CeNext Consulting & Investment Pvt Ltd, New Dehli, India
  • Schneider, Claudine, Congresswoman, US House of Representatives  (R-RI), 1980-1990; independent consultant, Boulder, CO

Judges Panel:

  • Alegria, Rosa, President, Perspektiva, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Binns, Beth A., Sustainability Consultant, Warren, VT
  • Burke, Leo, Director of Integral Leadership, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
  • Chinje, Eric, CEO, African Media Initiative, Nairobi, Kenya
  • Cooperrider, David, Founder, Center for Business as an Agent for World Benefit, Cleveland, OH
  • Crompton, Linda, CEO of Leadership Women,
  • Domini, Amy, Founder and CEO, Domini Social Investments, LLC, Providence, RI
  • Elgin, Duane, Author/Speaker, Awakening Earth, Novato, CA
  • Elkington, John, Former Co-Founder, SustainAbility; Co-Founder & Chief Pollinator, Volans; London
  • Ellis, Paul, Principal, Paul Ellis Consulting; Host, The Sustainable Finance Podcast; Featured Columnist, FA Magazine
  • Luyckx, Marc, Special Advisor, “Business Solutions Europa,” Brussels; Dean, Cotrugli Business School, Zagreb, Croatia
  • Hart, Stuart, Johnson Chair in Sustainable Global Enterprise; Professor of Management and Organizations, Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
  • Hopkins, Michael, Chair and Partner, MHC International Ltd., UK
  • Houston, Jean, Scholar, philosopher, and researcher in Human Capacities; consultant to the United Nations
  • Kamsler, Dr. Victoria, Director of the Katerva Awards, Wolcott, CT
  • Kalil, Krystala, Founder; Facilitator at Women Create!
  • Keefe, Joe, CEO, Pax World, Portsmouth, NH
  • Kolster, Thomas, Author, Speaker and Founder of The Goodvertising Agency and WhereGoodGrows, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Kotler, Philip, Distinguished Professor of International Marketing (Emeritus) at the Kellogg School of Management of Northwestern University.
  • Lovink, Steven, Co-author “Philanthropy for Life”, (2017), France
  • Lowitt, Eric, Managing Director, Nexus Global Advisors, Boston, MA
  • Maio, Elsie, Founder, Soul Branding/Humanity Inc., New York, NY
  • Makower, Joel, Chairman, and Executive Editor, GreenBiz Group Inc., Oakland, CA
  • Matthies, Peter, Founder, Conscious Business Institute, Santa Barbara, CA
  • Mick, David, Robert Hill Carter Professor of Commerce and Editor, Journal of Consumer Research, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
  • Miller, Doug, Chairman, GlobeScan, and President, GlobeScan Foundation, Toronto, Ontario
  • Monroe, Tom, Partner & Board member, FKM, Houston, TX
  • Mosser, Michelle, Founder & Creative Director, Grace Communications, Inc., Santa Fe, NM
  • Mumtasz, Ali, Journalist and TV Reporter.  Rep. EthicMark Award 2015, “Not A Bug Splat”
  • Murphy, Professor Patrick E., The University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business, Notre Dame, IN
  • Nahser, Ron, Senior Wicklander Fellow, Institute for Business & Professional Ethics, DePaul University, Chicago, IL
  • Nair, Chandran, Founder, and Chief Executive, Global Institute for Tomorrow; Chairman and co-founder, Avantage Ventures; Hong Kong
  • Patton, Iain, Founder, and Managing Director, Ethical Team PR.and Founder – The International Green Awards
  • Pinto, Christina Carvalho, President, Full Jazz Group, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Polman, Kim, co-founder Reboot The Future, co-editor “Imaginal Cells“ (2017)
  • Popovich, Mila, Founder, EVOLvED Leadership, Chair, Membership Communications Committee, World Academy of Art and Science
  • Rabin, Mitchell, J., Founder, President and CEO of A Better World Foundation
  • Roberts, Laura, Co-founder and CEO of Pantheon Enterprises
  • Roof, Nancy, Founder, Kosmos Journal, Lenox, MA
  • Sanquiche, Rosalinda–Founder, Well Written Consulting; Consultant, CSE–Center for Sustainability and Excellence, USA
  • Sahtouris, Ph.D., Elisabet, Professor in Residence, Chaminade University, Hawaii
  • Sarkar, Christian, author, entrepreneur, artist, and activist. Co-founder of The Marketing Journal and the $300 House Project
  • Schueth, Steven, Consultant and resource to the Sustainable, Responsible, Impact investment industry.
  • Sharma, Dr. Monica, Previously with United Nations, Director of Leadership and Capacity Development
  • Shaw, Martha, President/Creative Director, Earth Advertising, New York, NY
  • Shireman, Bill, President and CEO, Future 500, San Francisco, CA
  • Skrzyniarz, KoAnn, CEO & Founder, Sustainable Life Media and, San Francisco, CA
  • Smith, Jarvis, Founder P.E.A. Awards, Media Owner of MyGreenPod Magazine
  • Stafford, Marie, European Director, The Innovation Group, Wunderman Thompson, UK, Author, The New Sustainability: Regeneration
  • Ulfik, Rick, Founder and Board Chair of We, The World; Emmy Awards judge in News, Documentaries and Music, NY
  • Waghorn, Terry, Co-founder and CEO, Katerva, The Netherlands
  • Werbach, Adam, Former Sierra Club Leader, Chairman, Saatchi & Saatchi S; co-founder, Yerdle, San Francisco, CA
  • Yturbide, Susana Oseguera, Consultant, Green Economy Mexico, The Millennium Project – Mexican Node
  • Zadek, Simon, Senior Visiting Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation,  Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.  Co-Director of UNEP Inquiry
  • Zalman, Ph.D., Amy, Owner of the Strategic Narrative Institute LLC, Washington, DC
  • Zhouying, Jin, Director, Center for Technology Innovation & Strategy Studies, Chinese Academy for Social Sciences, Beijing, China                                                                                                                                       

The Judges Panel members strive for higher standards in ethics and advertising both in their individual work and in their role as Panel members even though some members’ clients might not meet the high advertising standards of the EthicMark® Awards, whether because of their products or marketing methods. The Judges Panel is open to inquiries from anyone who wants to examine any Panel member’s bio and commercial relationships.