Ravi Chaudhry, EthicMark Judge, Lauds Efforts

EthicMark – A Global Initiative to make a Difference

By Ravi Chaudhry, member of the Judges Panel

Author of Quest for Exceptional Leadership: Mirage to Reality

EthicMark Award is a unique global initiative to catalyze an inspirational transformation in media advertising. Launched in 2005 by Hazel Henderson, and supported by a Judges Panel that includes some of the brightest thought leaders in the world today, the Award recognizes civil society institutions and corporations whose aspiration to improve human lives and uplift human spirit equals, if not exceed, their commitment to achieve their organizational objectives.

The Award acknowledges the path-breaking innovations in media space that aligns corporate ethos with societal expectations and sets new benchmarks for an organizational balance in priorities and goals.

The Award aims at enlarging the domains of concurrence between for-profit and non-profit institutions, and thereby increasing the overlap in their thoughts and actions.

Each year, we receive nominations from all over the world, representative of a wide array of innovative approaches, focused on a product, a service, an idea or a message with universal appeal and relevance – a message that would definitively improve the quality of lives or livelihoods of those who are exposed to the campaign.

The judges panel takes special care to choose those campaigns that explicitly promote sustainable, socially responsible consumption patterns or behaviours, backed by consistent and transparent support from socially responsible organizations.

The purpose of the Award is not only to applaud those who deserve accolades for pursuing conscientious policies and processes, but also encourage and motivate many others to aspire to achieve the Award in subsequent years.

As a member of the Judges Panel, I invite all those who are engaged in media space, to join us in widely disseminating and propagating the noble mission of these Awards. With collective support, we are confident we can make a difference, howsoever small, in making our world a better place to live.

New Delhi, India

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